


South Africa - Find Cell Phones and Mobile Companies
America in South Africa
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America Phones in South Africa - Find cell phones, plans and packages with internet, calls, messages, whatsapp and free social networks.
South Africa Phones List of international phones and dial codes by country and continent in : Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Pacific


27 South Africa Phones - List of Dial Codes by Country
How to call from South Africa?- Dialling codes to South Africa - How to Find Phone Area Codes
Search telephone numbers in South Africa. Locate a phone code by city South Africa Phones . Phone Numbers in South Africa Phones

Country Codes

List of country codes of the world by name and dial code.
Find by country or dial code.
America Phones (+)
South America Phones (+)
North America Phones (+)
US Phones (+1) US / USA
Canada Phones (+1) CA / CAN
Mexico Phones (+52) MX / MEX
Argentina Phones (+54) AR / ARG
Brasil Phones (+55) BR / BRA
Brazil Phones (+55) BR / BRA
Bolivia Phones (+591) BO / BOL
Chile Phones (+56) CL / CHL
Colombia Phones (+57) CO / COL
Costa Rica Phones (+506) CR / CRC
Cuba Phones (+53) CU / CUB
El Salvador Phones (+503) SV / SLV
Ecuador Phones (+593) EC / ECU
Guatemala Phones (+502) GT / GUA
Haiti Phones (+509) HT / HTI
Honduras Phones (+504) HN / HND
Jamaica Phones (+1-876) JM / JAM
Nicaragua Phones (+505) NI / NIC
Panama Phones (+507) PA / PAN
Paraguay Phones (+595) PY / PRY
Peru Phones (+51) PE / PER
Puerto Rico Phones (+1-787) PR / PRI
Uruguay Phones (+598) UY / URY
Venezuela Phones (+58) VE / VEN
Dominican Republic Phones (+1-809) DO / DOM
The Bahamas Phones (+1-242) BS / BHS
Antigua and Barbuda Phones (+1-268) AG / ATG
Barbados Phones (+1-246) BB / BRB
Belize Phones (+501) BZ / BLZ
Dominica Phones (+1-767) DM / DMA
Grenada Phones (+1-473) GD / GRD
Guyana Phones (+592) GY / GUY
Saint Kitts and Nevis Phones (+1-869) KN / KNA
Santa Lucia Phones (+1-758) LC / LCA
San Vicente and Grenadines Phones (+1-784) VC / VCT
Suriname Phones (+597) SR / SUR
Trinidad and Tobago Phones (+1-868) TT / TTO
Anguilla Phones (+1-264) AI / AIA
Aruba Phones (+297) AW / ABW
Bermuda Phones (+1-441) BM / BMU
American Virgin Islands Phones (+1-340)
British Virgin Islands Phones (+1-284) VG / VGB
Cayman Islands Phones (+1-345) KY / CYM
Falkland Islands Phones (+500) FK / FLK
French Guiana Phones (+)
Greenland Phones (+299) GL / GRL
Guadeloupe Phones (+590)
Martinique Phones (+596)
Montserrat Phones (+1-664) MS / MSR
Netherlands Antilles Phones (+599) AN / ANT
Saint Barthelemy Phones (+590) BL / BLM
Saint Martin Phones (+590) MF / MAF / (French)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Phones (+508) PM / SPM
South Georgia Phones (+South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands) GS / SGS
Turks and Caicos Islands Phones (+1-649) TC / TCA
French-Guiana Phones (+594) FR
Ascension Phones (+247) GB

International Dial Codes in South Africa Phones

How can I find a phone number in South Africa? Use the phone book guide in the phone companies, and the directory of white pages or yellow pages.
How to dial to South Africa?
Dial: (international calling prefix) + (country code 27) + (area code) + (phone number) South Africa Phones
How to call to mobile phones in South Africa? Locate the Operators in the zone and code to find the cell phone codes near the city or area. Follow the dial instructions.
How to dial from South Africa?
Dial the international access prefix (00 or similar), country code and the destination phone number. Dialing from South Africa
List of dial codes of South Africa by city and area code. South Africa Prefix. List of Prefixes by city. Reverse lookup: Country Codes
South Africa America 2025
EU to invest $5bn in South Africa after US aid withdrawal DW (English)
South Africa plans to spend more on health and defense after the US cuts aid The Associated Press
Why Trump Is Right to View South Africa as a Threat The Nation
South Africa can lose its United States consulate in Johannesburg BusinessTech