Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Embassies and Consulates of South africa

Embassies and consulates of South Africa

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Embassies and Consulates of South Africa in other countries
Embassies and Consulates of other countries in South Africa
South Africa - Country Information
Embassy and consulates of South Africa in Saudi Arabia
Embassy of South Africa in Saudi Arabia
Embassy of South Africa in Riyadh Address: King Khalid Road Um Al-Hammam East Ar-Riyāḍ 11693 Saudi Arabia Postal address: P O Box 94006 Ar-Riyāḍ 11693 Saudi Arabia Phone number: +966 (0)1 4429716 Fax number: +966 (0)1 4429708 Email: embassy@southafrica.com.sa Consulates of South Africa in Saudi Arabia
Consulate of South Africa in Jeddah Address: Villa No. 73 Abdullah Abu Al Khail Street Khalidia District Jiddah 21483 Saudi Arabia Postal address: PO Box 12737 Jiddah 21483 Saudi Arabia Phone number: +966 (0)2 6063560 Email: saconsular@southafrica.com
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